Integrative Topography & Light Study Zone
Reconstructing an exisitng Study zone into an integrative study environment
Designed by: Matan Golan
A wide conversion exist today around the relationship of the elements who crate the structure – foundations and envelopes, reinforcing and mass. In the heart of this study was asked the question about how we could change the balance between the two – and take advantage of the full performative potential of the elements.This reinforced wall, was created from a partly exposed reinforcing, on which the mass is casted. The interaction the two changed along the wall – The elements split and meet again while creating a new Architectural language.
The Integrative study zone is places in "HaBiluim" elementary school in Ramat Gan, Israel. The system is placed in the youth section – that combines a kindergarden and and first grade classes with a shared playing yard.
The membrane system is adapted to create one study zone with intimate and communal sections, which creates an integrative study space.
All the different elements in the space are made from extrusions of the ribs. This way tables, chair, lights, storage areas and light shelves are made by one architectural language. On the other hand, the curved surfaces turn towards the intimate and garden areas to create a cozy sitting niche.
Different heights and extrusion are made while considering ergonimcs heights for 5-7 years old kids, as well as field of view of adults. This way the space offers intimate areas for kids while still being watched by the teachers in the space.