Mitzpe Ramon Municipality Complex Planning - Klein Golan Architects
Sustainable development tender - received commendation (ranked 3rd nationally).
Designed by: Avner Golan
Matan Golan
Structure of the Mitzpeh Ramon Local Council
Description of the design concept. In our visits to the site and the public/commercial space, we felt the phenomenon of "flight of the dead." On the other hand, the space itself loses many of its contents in its social definition due to problems in defining the field of physical space, including the potential located a few meters from the focus of the event. When planning a complex that includes the local council building, according to a unique planning program of construction, which was defined by the Council, we endeavored to provide opportunities for meeting the public in defined and intimate spaces as part of the core area of activity.
"The buildings will be arranged in a closed area, with paths that will connect them and create a rural atmosphere, which will include paths, gardening, seating areas, and shading."
We tried to translate all the elements and characteristics existing in the development of plots 1 and 2, including the existing structure of the amphitheater - the gross area of a unified structure including: traffic systems, lobby spaces, waiting spaces and meeting places for employees and community citizens existing in each municipality building, All program components. The development of the campus between the buildings becomes the gross required for planning a unified structure and creates a planning opportunity with a community / social vision, in the spirit of the program for planning a minimalist construction with a uniform language, with characteristics and elements aimed at energy efficiency / efficiency in the spirit of the Israeli 5281 standard.
Outline Plan 26/101/02/27 established the Pedestrian Route linking the existing municipal square, which is based on the existing commercial space - through public lots 1 and 2, to the new neighborhood as a pedestrian route of central municipal importance. The proposed plan creates a "new urban piazza" at the entrance to the campus area of the municipality building, and it is proposed to establish the local council management structure. We propose that the structure be two-story, so that it will look like a landmark and urban orientation in addition to the wall that defines the new Piazza. The upper floor of the building will house the Board of Directors of the Council and the lower floor of the building, which is partially excavated according to the topography considerations. The protected area will be located, which will serve as a meeting room, meetings and an emergency outpost.
The topography differences exist between the level of the city square, the existing commercial square and the upper parking lot and the new neighborhood. When the campus is located in the designated council building, the diversity planning allows the roads to be ascended, A diagonal stair axis - the main axis designed for direct and rapid passage. Modest traffic system (pedestrian path) - a network of paths with a moderate slope, functioning as a promenade, a traffic path that creates a wandering experience linking the campus buildings.
The complex movement system, both from the direct axis and from the moderate axes, connects the masses scattered in the complex. The moderate axis changes its character along its course. A pedestrian tunnel penetrates through the ground floor of the management building, and becomes a route for road users, a diverse range of experiences and a changing wall structure, blocked and opened to the landscape alternately. After penetration through the management building, the closed tunnel gradually becomes an open path to the sky and the landscape. The axis is directed toward the northeastern campus buildings, after a passage between them reaches a common dugout that connects to the grotto of the canyon that intersects the direct stair axis and continues towards the southwestern campus buildings. Along the moderate route, there is a true collection of runoff that accompanies the walking routes. Runoff is driven by the slopes of the axis and is channeled to public water parks, producing a changing social event in the seasons.
Some of these hinges are contained within a double southern façade in each building and direct access to the council rooms. Thus, they eliminate the existence of internal corridors. The lobby serves as an external entrance to work rooms. Each study room opens directly to the outside, making the Council's functions accessible to the public, as well as enabling climate control and monitoring. Each room is a microclimate unit, which is expected to reduce the energy consumption of the complex.
The southern part of the double façade is built of elbows with electro-solar cells. The complex has a potential of about 500 square meters of electro-solar cells, which are expected to satisfy the needs of the building from an energetic point of view and provide the needs of the adjacent buildings. In the winter, the southern façades of the buildings are set at a range of 10 ° to 25 ° C relative to the south, in order to maximize radiation on the cells.
The project uses a repeat module with rectangular geometry and a dual southern front. The roof of the building is sloping, with its high part located in the east. The structure is partly excavated within the natural slope of the soil, and maintains a stable temperature amplitude. The serrated southern façade allows airflow to and from the foyer to the study. Secularization at the northern turn of the buildings enables passive ventilation of each work space separately. The building is built of exposed concrete, and the sloping concrete roof serves as a thermal mass. A visor on the eastern side of the building dives on the glass front in the summer, allowing penetration of horns directly in the winter months.
The unique and challenging topography enabled the planning of various squares in their character, at the intermediate levels created by the slope of the ground. A view point, gives a long view of the desert landscape, an upper view of the Amphi area and the complex of roofed roofs. The entrance to the management building is enclosed and intimate, and enjoys a protected climate. Two additional squares are situated along the gorge (in the deep part) and produce two defined fiascos and areas of a different character, one intimate and the other intended for youth gathering (near the welfare and youth services building).
The preliminary estimate for the project consists of construction work and development work. Construction work on an area of 900 square meters at a cost of about NIS 4500 per square meter is approximately NIS 4 million. Development work is estimated at NIS 1.5 million The cost of constructing the buildings includes shading shutters without an electro-solar system It should be noted that the vision of the laminate system for solar photovoltaic is innovative, and we believe that given the decision to establish the system by the local council, some costs would be government sponsored.
On the edge of the crater one can understand the power of the landscape. A sense of levitation. A distant look. In our humble vision, we stood in the high observation post, breathed clear desert air, and began our journey to create the new crater. We descended with the topography to the secrets of the alleys of the desert, we created different squares in their nature and character, dreamed of a desert and minimalist character, creating the future with a view to the past.