Sustainable Neighbourhood Development and Management
Karet Tangsin, Jakarta, Indonesia. Virtual workshop.
Researched by: Matan Golan
Nandini Dutta
Hajar Taha
Marina Natalishvili
Purpose of study
The purpose of this study is to explore the sustainable development challenges in Jakarta, Indonesia, and prepare proposals addressing the needs of a low-income settlement, also known as a ‘Kampung’. The development area, Karet Tengsin is an urbanizing informal settlement that has battled with various social, economic and environmental challenges. It has been identified by the government and private developers as an opportunity area for redevelopment due to its proximity to the ‘Golden Triangle’, which is the hub for the commercial industry in Central Jakarta.
Aim and objectives
The aim of the study was to provide Karet Tengsin with an overall sustainable development strategy that addresses the urban needs of the low-income community and the wider area. Given the various scenarios, the proposal aims to illustrate potential strategies that address how the kampung can develop. In support of this aim, the group has prioritized:
• Affordability and viability for the existing community
• Economic development given the high land values, private developer interest, and existing commercial activity
• Environmental sustainability
The project was approached in two stages:
Stage 1: Karet Tengsin Analysis and Project Proposal
Stage 2: Jakarta Workshop
Stage 1: consisted of a series of tutorials and workshops as a team of four members that spanned site appraisal, scenario building and the development of a proposed strategy. During each workshop session, the group worked on various tasks analysing the site and development challenges in order to propose an action plan addressing the aims and objectives of the study. Finally, this stage of the project report concludes with a reflection on the project that summarizes observations and any changes made after visiting the Kampung.
Stage 2: was a workshop in Jakarta engaging with UNTAR university
students on a kampung in need of upgrading and regeneration. This included visits to the kampungs, development of strategic proposals and a final presentation of ideas.